Meanwhile, Prashanth will be reprising the role of Ayushmann Khurana. The duo has now begun shooting for the remake and their pictures are going viral. Check it out:
Confirming the news, Simran stated, “Andhadhun was a landmark film in Indian cinema and reached audiences in different regions. Playing Tabu’s role is a huge responsibility. It is a bold, yet challenging role. But I am looking forward to essaying the part in the Tamil remake. I want to see myself in this new avatar, and I’m quite excited. It’s a character that will be seen throughout the film. I am confident that this will be another feather in my hat.”
The film, directed by JJ Frederick of Ponmagal Vandhaal fame. Prashanth who will be seen reprising the role of Ayushmann Khurana from the original has been sincerely prepping for the role especially weight and piano classes.