The next celebration that is coming up for the couple is Nayanthara’s 38th birthday, which is on 28th November. While speaking about the plans they have made for her birthday, a source close to them has revealed to a media house, “2022 has been the year for Nayanthara! She tied the knot in June and was blessed with twins recently. Since she cannot travel now, Nayan wants to keep her birthday celebration low-key and special by spending her first birthday after marriage with her kids and husband Vignesh Shivan. She is making sure to give enough time to her newborns before she heads for the last scheduled shoot of Jawan.”
Meanwhile, yesterday Vignesh Shivan shared a romantic selfie with his wife on Instagram. The selfie also had Neeraja Kona and Joseph Radhik in the frame. Originally shared by Neeraja Kona, the selfie showed the new parents twinning in white in a sweet embrace. The stylist, who originally posted the pictures with the new parents and photographer on her Insta story, wrote: “The Selfie ft. Us. @josephradhik @wikkiofficial & Nayann.” Neeraja Kona also shared a selfie with Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan, which she captioned: “These 2 and their 2 (red heart emojis) Fav humans Nayan and V!! @wikkiofficial” See Photos:
Nayanthara entered the film industry way back in 2003 with Sathyan Anthikad’s Malayalam film ‘Manassinakkare’. As a Malayali, she entered the Mollywood industry first, and then entered the Tamil film industry only with ‘Ayya’ in 2005. She rose to fame with films like Chandramukhi, Vallavan and Billa. Now, she has a huge fan following in the Tamil film industry and is one of the leading actors in the industry. On the work front, this Kollywood star is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Atlee’s Jawaan, who is acting opposite Shah Rukh Khan. The actor, who was last seen in O2, is awaiting the release of ‘Gold’ along with Prithiviraj Sukumaran in Malayalam. Meanwhile, she is filming for a number of films including, ‘Iraivan’, and ‘Godfather’. Vignesh Shivan, on the other hand, is working on Ajith’s AK 62. If reports are to be believed, he is still finishing the script for the film while the actor is shooting for his 61st film with H Vinoth.