Today, on the occasion of Mother’s Day, Kajal has shared a photo along with her newborn son. Along with the photo she shared a long caption that said, “My first. I want you to know how precious you are and always will be to me. The moment I held you in my arms, held your tiny little hand in mine, felt your warm breath and saw your beautiful eyes, I knew I was in love forever. You are my first child. My first son. My first everything, really. In the years to come, I will try my best to teach you, but you have already taught me infinite amounts. You have taught me what it is to be a mother. You have taught me to be selfless. Pure love. You have taught me that it is possible to have a piece of my heart outside of my body.
And it’s such a scary thing, but more than that, it’s beautiful. And I still have so much to learn.
Thank you for being the one with whom I get to experience all of these firsts. There is no one else who could have done it. God chose you, my little prince.
I pray that you grow up strong and sweet and that you have a heart for others. I pray that you never let this world dull your bright and lovely personality. I pray that you are courageous and kind and generous and patient. I already see so much of this in you, and it makes me so proud to call you mine!
You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars, little one. Don’t you ever forget that. xo”
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While we still cannot see the baby’s face, this is the first photo that Kajal has shared of her child. On the work front, Kajal was last seen in Hey Sinamika. She is awaiting the release of three films, Karungaapiyam, Ghosty and Uma. She has taken a break from acting, as she was pregnant. Fans are hoping that she would be back on screens soon.