Suresh Raina, today confirmed that his has become a father yet again and the couple now has given birth to a baby boy. The couple has named the baby Rio. The cricketer took to social media to express his excitement. “The beginning of all things – wonder, hope, possibilities and a better world! We are proud to welcome our son & Gracia’s little brother – Rio Raina. May he flows beyond boundaries, bringing peace, renewal & prosperity to everyone’s life,” he wrote and shared an adorable picture of the mother and the son.
The beginning of all things – wonder, hope, possibilities and a better world! We are proud to welcome our son & Gracia’s little brother – Rio Raina. May he flows beyond boundaries, bringing peace, renewal & prosperity to everyone’s life.
— Suresh Raina🇮🇳 (@ImRaina) March 23, 2020
Priyanka Raina is a software engineer and lives in Australia. Suresh Raina is yet again a part of CSK but, due to the spread Corona Virus, the match has been postponed.