The latest trending picture right now on social media is the one for Nayanthara’s birthday surprise for Vignesh. The director posted the carousel of three pictures giving us insights on the party with the caption, “Thank you #Thangamey for the pleasant surprise birthday and the unmatchable gift of your presence in my life!!!” He also thanked his fans for their wishes and gave us an update about the #TwoTwoTwo song from Kaathu Vaakula Rendu Kadhal movie starring Nayanthara, Samantha, and Vijay Sethupathi on the lead.
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The couple decided to sport a classy black look for the party. The actor was seen wearing a simple plain black dress and he wore a black shirt paired up with blue jeans. This would be the second time the couple would be working together after Naanum Rowdy Dhaan. The duo had even co-produced the movie Koozhangal earlier this year.
Nayanthara was last seen in her OTT hits Nizhal and Netrikan – a crime thriller where she played the role of a blind woman trying to solve the mystery of missing girls. She was widely lauded for her performance in this role. The years 2021 & 2022 look promising with a series of movies like Annaatthe, Gold, etc. in her pipeline. She is also said to make her digital debut with Bahubali: Before the Beginning web series. As per the latest reports, She is currently shooting for her Bollywood debut alongside SRK titled Jawan directed by Atlee.
This latest trending pic screams goals and their love for each other a tad bit louder!