The guest list had a elite list of celebrities from Bollywoood to Kollywood like Rajinikanth, Shah Rukh Khan(Naynthara’s next Jawaan’s co-star), Boney Kapoor, Suriya, Vijay Sethupathi and many more. Filmamker Atlee even took to his Instagram, “Darling Nayan & @wikkiofficial wedding diaries @iamsrk sir chief & @poojadadlani02” posting a beautiful picture along with Shah Rukh Khan.
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Vignesh Shivan even posted a cute note for his #Thangamey with a series of images and wrote, “Today is June 9th and it’s Nayan’s. Thanking God , the universe, the Good will from all the lovely human beings who have crossed My life !! Every good soul, every good moment , every good coincidence, every good blessing, everyday at shooting and every prayer that has made life this beautiful! I owe it all to the good manifestations & prayers. Now, It’s all dedicated to the love of my life ! #Nayanthara.My #Thangamey ! Excited to see u walking up the aisle in a few hours. Praying God for all the goodness and looking forward to starting a new chapter officially in front of our beloved family & the best of friends.”
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The couple first worked together in their blockbuster hit Naanum Rowdy Dhaan featuring Vijay Sethupathi in 2015 and there has been a spark ever since. It was actually during their second movie the two started dating. Their last movie together was Kaathuvaakula rendu Kaadhal ft. Vijay Sethupathi and Samantha.