When he was shooting in Australia for B. Gopal’s ‘Vamsi’ he fell in love with his co-star Namrata Shirodkar. The former Miss India debuted in Tollywood post the success of her Bollywood movie ‘Pukar’. The love story turned real and soon the most talked about couple fought with their respective families and tied the knot in 2005! The couple now have two gorgeous kids!
Namrata has been an active part of social media and has also used it as a tool to promote her husband’s films in a very informal yet exciting way. In a recent, Mahesh Babu celebrated the success of ‘Maharshi’ and the doting wife put up some beautiful pictures from the success party:
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The mood of the hour ♥️♥️celebrating #maharshi an epic blockbuster 👏👏👏3rd time watch ♥️❤️❤️
In one of the pictures, a user commented, “Namarta, why don’t you put some make-up. Are you suffering with… depression.”
To which Namrata responded, “You might love women with make-up… maybe you should follow someone who is always made up and suits your criteria! You are not going to find it on this page!! So maybe you should get off it… sincere request.”
Depression is really not something that should ever be made fun of. Secondly, without knowing a person how could someone call another depressed based on appearances? Depression is serious and it is beyond unacceptable to be able to compare a no makeup look with mental health.
Women wear makeup, they’re judged. If they don’t they’re judged. This is just going beyond control now!