Actor Siddharth’s tweet went viral hours after Samantha announced her divorce on social media. The actor and Samantha have a brief dating history before Samantha started dating Naga Chaitanya. Siddharth and Sam met on the sets of Jabardasth and were in a very serious relationship and were going strong for almost two-and-a-half years. However, over speculations about the actor’s closeness with Kannada heroine Deepa Sannidhi, their relationship came to an end.
Hours after Sam and Chay announced their separation Siddharth took to twitter to tweet a rather peculiar statement which netizens have connected to this divorce. The tweet said, “One of the first lessons I learnt from a teacher in school…”Cheaters never prosper.” What’s yours?”
One of the first lessons I learnt from a teacher in school…
“Cheaters never prosper.”
What’s yours?
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) October 2, 2021
The next, pretty unexpected reaction came from Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut. After the former couple announced their split, Kangana took to her Instagram stories to talk about how ‘divorce culture’ is growing and also blamed a ‘divorce expert’ from Bollywood.
Kangana posted a couple of stories speaking about her thoughts on divorce and then said, “This south actor who suddenly divorced his wife was married for 4 years and in a relationship with her for more than a decade recently came in contact with a Bollywood superstar who is also known as Bollywood divorce expert… Has ruined many women and children’s lives, is now his guiding light and agony aunt… so it all went smoothly… This is not a blind item, we all know who I am talking about.” Reports speculate that Kangana referred to Aamir Khan as the ‘divorce expert’, as Chaitanya worked with him recently in Laal Singh Chadda.
In addition to these reactions, Chay’s father actor Nagarjuna also shared his feelings about the announcement. Nagarjuna called it unfortunate and wished both of them good luck in future. He also added that whatever happened between Samantha and Naga Chaitanya is very personal.
— Nagarjuna Akkineni (@iamnagarjuna) October 2, 2021
Samantha and Naga Chaitanya dated for three years and tied the knot on October 7, 2017 in Goa. Ahead of their fourth wedding anniversary, the couple announced their separation.