The actor was on the brink of reaching 3 Million followers in her Instagram profile and today morning she reached the big 3M. To express her gratitude and love to her fans and supporters, she went big. She was seen posing beside a huge heart of roses surrounded by Hibiscus flowers with Instagram logo and 3M Followers wrietup in the middle in the beautiful backdrop of Maldives beach as the backdrop.
The actor had posted a Reel and a carousel of two pictures with the caption, “Paradise ❤️ Thank you to my supporters, my fans, my strength . 3M. This was one unforgettable trip.”
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Megha was last seen in the Tamil Anthology Kutty story, Hindi movie Radhe and in a Telugu movie Dear Megha. The actor has a series of movies in both Tamil and Telugu languages such as Yadhum Oore Yaavarum Kelir, October 31st Ladies Night. She was aslo seen in a couple of music videos that released on Youtube alongside Shanthanu Bhagyaraj and Kalidas Jayaram. This young actor gained much fame for her hit song Maruvaarthai from the movie Enai Noki Paayum Thota even before it’s delayed release.