A source close to Mani Ratnam said, “On Monday, Mani Ratnam got admitted to a hospital in the city after feeling unwell. He had mild fever and was showing symptoms of COVID. Hence, he took tests to check if he was positive for the virus. The result came in this morning and it showed that he was negative. Mani Ratnam does not have corona and he is doing absolutely fine now.”
The director is currently working on the post-production of Ponniyin Selvan. It is originally a Tamil novel based on the life of Raja Raja Chola, written by Kalki. While there have been several attempts in the past to make it as a film, Mani Ratnam has now started this project, which will be released in two parts. Starring Vikram, Jayam Ravi, Trisha, Aishwarya Rai, Aishwarya Lekshmi and Sarathkumar in lead roles, this is considered to be Mani Ratnam’s magnum opus. The teaser of the film was released recently after the team was revealing characters one by one. The film is bankrolled by Lyca Productions and Madras Talkies. The music director for the movie is AR Rahman. PS-1 is slated for a worldwide release on September 30, 2022, in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam.