On his daughter Alankrita’s eighth birthday, Prithviraj posted a rather emotional message. “Happy birthday sunshine! You will forever be Daada’s and Mamma’s biggest joy and brightest light. A part of me wishes you wouldn’t grow up so soon, but another part of me is so much in awe of the person you’re growing up to be! I hope you continue to be full of surprises and never stop loving the world the way you do! I love you baby girl! PS: Thank you all for the love and wishes 😊❤️,” he wrote on his social media platform sharing an absolutely adorable image of his daughter.
Prithviraj Sukumaran’s wife and producer Supriya Menon Prithviraj also shared a lovely image wishing her 6-year-old girl. “Happy birthday to our lil girl who’s turning 6 today! Ally, you are growing up so fast that sometimes I wish I could turn back time! But I am so happy to see the kind of person you are turning out to be ; Caring, Loving, Feisty, Independent. We wish you a world of happiness! I love you my baby! Happy Birthday Kutta!,” she wrote.
What a lovely family!
On the professional front, Prithviraj has Aadujeevitham which also has Amala Paul in the lead. Aparna Balamurali will also be seen in a pivotal role. Prithviraj was stuck with his team in Jordan during the lockdown while shooting for the film. He then safely returned and had quarantined himself for 14 days after being testing negative for COVID.