Today’s latest speculated confirmed list states that actress Ramya Pandian, Shivani Narayanan, Jithan Ramesh, Sanam Shetty, Gabrielle, Anu Mohan (Padiyappa fame), and Adjeedh of Super Singer fame are now a part of the show.
The latest update is that the contestants are now quarantining themselves at home before they are set to enter the show. It has also been confirmed that the number of contestants in the show will be lesser compared to the usual count. Several precautionary measures are being taken as result.
Vijay TV has released two promos of the new season with the host Kamal Hassan looking just as enticing as always. With the current situation in consideration, a lot of changes have been made to the reality show. This season will also give more importance to mental health than compared to prior seasons.
Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, a new set of rules are aligned. Social distancing is to be maintained by all technical staff and the internal team. The contestants who are selected will have to undergo COVID 19 tests and will be quarantined for two weeks and then after another test only will be allowed inside the sets. Social distancing will be the norm not only for the technical crew inside the set but also for the contestants and those who violate may be expelled from the show.
With Season 4 set to roll with new rules in place, we are excited to see how different this season is going to be compared to the previous one. This will definitely be an interesting one to watch!