However, Karan Johar’s message has not been taken well by the audience and neither has Alia Bhatt’s or Sonam Kapoor’s. Artists from within the industry have pointed finger at the director for promoting nepotism, at actor Salman Khan for not letting newcomers survive in the industry without his consent and all the actors and actresses who have been products of nepotism. Recently, Kangana Ranaut’s interview talking about Sushant’s death has created a stir, however, most of them on social media seemed to have agreed with her.
A devastated Karan Johar has not been active on social media but today his friend has opened up about how Karan Johar is broken and beyond sad. In order to keep trolls at bay, Karan, Alia, Sonam and Kareena Kapoor Khan recently limited the comments on their social media accounts. While Sonakshi deactivated her Twitter. The furore over nepotism triggered by Sushant’s death has also taken a heavy toll on the Instagram followings of Karan and Alia, with netizens calling for their “boycott.”
In an interview with Bollywood Hungama, Karan’s friend revealed that the brutal hatred he received after Sushant’s death has left the Dharma productions head “shattered.”
“It’s the fact that those close to him are being attacked that makes Karan feel really guilty. His 3-year old twins are getting death threats. Somebody like Ananya Pandey who has no connection with Sushant, had a hater on the social media platform asking her to commit suicide to compensate for Sushant’s death,” the friend added.
When asked if Karan intended to come out with any statement regarding Sushant, the friend said, “None at all. Lawyers’ advice. Better to keep mum. Karan is in no condition to speak. The fight has gone out of him. He looks like a man beaten by fate. It’s not a pleasant experience to speak to Karan. He breaks down and cries when we call him. He is constantly crying and asking what he has done to deserve this.”