Tarini first made an appearance on Kalidas’ feed during their Onam photoshoot. Tarini joined the family pic with Jayaram, Parvathy Jayaram, and Kalidas’ sister Malavika Jayaram. Kalidas and Tarini were seen comfortably posing together in that family photo. The actor had gone on a vacation to Dubai, and looks like Tarini was there too. The model took to her Instagram to share a photo along with Kalidas, and the song Kadhal Sadugudu from Alaipayuthey was running in the background. Ever since, the couple has been sharing photos with each other. In fact, Kalidas has pinned 2 photos with Tarini on his Instagram account.
Recently, the actor took to social media account yet again and shared a fun post featuring his lady love, “More issues than vogue…Wait till the end for a special appearance…Sorry @tarini.kalingarayar.” The video captures some amusing moments of the couple as Kalidas Jayaram successfully scares his girlfriend Tarini Kalingarayar several times. The post gives us an insight into the relationship of the latest couple in the town.
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On the work front, Tarini was last seen doing an advertisement along with Deepika Padukone for Dabur Amla. Kalidas Jayaram, on the other hand, is working on a Malayalam film titled Rajni. He is also shooting for Balaji Mohan’s next along with Dushara Vijayan. He was last seen in Paper Rocket, a series directed by Kiruthiga Udayanidhi, before the release of Natchathiram Nagargiradhu.