Sai Pallavi recently had a release ‘Padi Padi Leche Manasu’ which received mixed reviews. But, what made the movie a hit was the comfortable onscreen chemistry the ‘Maari 2’ actress shared with her co-star Shrwanand and that has sparked rumours ever since. Most of these rumours had concluded that Sharwanand was the one for Sai Pallavi. When asked about the same she said, “am a born actor and only behave how the character is going to be. Sharwanand is also from the same school and we worked in tandem to get that chemistry out. Our ease in front of the camera itself is the big highlight and that is the reason love stories work. About the linkup rumours, there is nothing more than serious friendship.”
On asking her about her beliefs in live-in relationships, she said, “I used to have a few crushes in school and nothing more than that. Coming to live-in relationships, I hate them as I am that kind of girl who is only bothered about my parents and how to keep them happy by settling in life and getting married.”