Hygiene is key:
Keep your hands clean and use a hand sanitizer whenever you touch something that has been delivered to you. Wash your hands, feet and face every time you walk in. Wash your hands for a good 20 seconds before and after you cook, clean or do any other household chores. Advice your family members to religiously follow the same. Hygiene is the first way to a cleaner and a safer home.
Soak in the sun:
There is no proven theory that heat destroys the virus, but it sure does not spread it. Hence, go to your terrace early in the morning and absorb some Vitamin D. This particular Vitamin is crucial to your body and you could use the early morning sun to renew it.
Educate your domestic help:
It’s best you avoid having a domestic help at home to keep them and yourselves safe. But, certain things are inevitable when you’re a large family or in dire need of help. In such cases, make sure you educate your domestic help about the ongoing situation and what they could do to be and keep you safe. Once they enter your home, ask them to wash their feet thoroughly. After that, ask them to wash their hands with a powerful hand wash and then request them to begin their work. After they are done, provide them with some hand sanitizer and then allow them to leave. This could also be a daily practise even post the Pandemic.
Always check:
If you or anyone from your family feel sick, take them to your physician immediately. Things like these must not be delayed. It could be a normal cold and fever but it’s best to consult your doctor before you decide that for yourself. Do not fear the situation and avoid taking a test as that not only puts you in danger, it puts the people around you in grave danger and you might actually be spreading to a lot of them. Be more considerate and always seek help if you need it.
Get some family time:
It is times like these when you all get to stay at home, sit together and spend some quality time as a family. Reminisce old memories, look at all your old photographs, watch old home videos, have a chat about the news and the situation around you. See what essentials are required at home, play games with together with your kids, cook together and just chitchat till you fall asleep. The value of a family is known only during these times. So, use it well and wisely.