
How It Feels To Have An Annoying Roommate!

Never-ending Trouble!

If you have the perfect roommate you are living in heaven. If you don’t then welcome to the world. We could do good with most of them, but the annoying roommate is a never-ending problem. Navigating the boundaries of roommate relationships is always a tricky task—and one that can get infinitely more complicated when one of you is annoying the other.

In this video, we present to you one such annoying roommate Dipshi and the poor friend Saru who is left with no cards to play.

The simplest thing they do is our biggest trouble. They are a pain. They beg, borrow and sometimes steal. We wish they vanish but we can’t do away with them. After all, they are your roommate. Do you know what happens when you have an annoying roommate?

Losing Your Mind,not knowing how  to deal with the whole situation? Well it’s time you at least have a good laugh about it, or maybe slip this video to your roommate to subtly let her know. It’s even trickier if you’re the annoying a roommate and you don’t even know it. Watch to find out. Do you relate?

Annoying Roommate Featuring RJ Saru and Dipshi

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