The actress, Malavika Mohanan while talking about her role in the film Petta said that she took the small role in the movie as she wanted to act along side Superstar Rajinikath and saw it as a big opportunity. she also recalled how Rajini applauded her when she finished speaking a lengthy dialogue in Tamil in the film, as he knew that the actress was just learning and is not affluent in the language.
On the professional front, Malavika will be seen playing the lead in Vijay’s next titled Master also starring Vijay Sethupathi, Gauri Kishan, and Andrea in pivotal roles. Recently the actress wished Master actor Vijay in an adorable post she put up in Instagram.
She wrote “This was the first day I met Vijay Sir, the day we had our pooja for ‘Master’. I was excited, nervous, and a little intimidated around him. We hardly got a chance to speak that day.
Little did I know that 6 months down the line he would become such an important part of my life. Adventurous, impulsive in the most fun ways possible, always up to trying new whacked out things, protective, caring, giving, lover of ‘thayir sadam’, amazing 4am friend except that he sleeps early(😋), the one who will point out the positive side to every situation..even if there’s an apocalypse happening 😋
He’s a man of few words, but never have I seen anyone who sticks to the words he’s uttered and the promises he’s made as mindfully as he does. Happy Birthday to the kind of man they don’t make anymore ♥️” she wrote.