
Exclusive Interview with Kerala Designer Poornima Indrajith!

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Despite the obstinate rains tapping against the window, Poornima was deeply engaged in swift calculations, measuring the width of the weaves on her latest Onam collection.At her production unit, there was already a slight bustle, but she stayed calm and smiled; tacitly indicating her undivided attention will soon be for the interview. A day of her work already gave a peek into her life. Anyone who knows Poornima Indrajith, knows her as someone who’s so versatile with fashion and how she dons various caps in her professional field as well.  From being the fashionable influencer who embraces her wild ringlets to the fashion entrepreneur and designer of her brand Pranaah, she also has a major presence in television as a celebrity judge and host. Sherecently wrapped up with the latest show,Made for Each Other. Along with this she shares the limelight with the family of Mollywood stars. She’s the wife of Indrajith, who’s also the brother of actor Prithviraj.But when she was asked how she would liked to be introduced she simply said, “As Poornima Indrajith.”Yet, it’s already a well-known fact; she’s an unflappable multi-tasker who powers through with elan.

Raised in Kerala, Poornima has a Tamilian heritage. Her whole family lives there and she gushed when she said there’s an innate stir of sentiments any time she heads to Chennai. In her first few years, she was majorly active in Tamil industry but her forte in designing is what famously revealed her creative side. Her boutique Pranaah is nestled away in the fashionable colony in Panampilly Nagar, Kerala. Among the many women who look for bespoke clothes, especially bridal and cocktail attires, Pranaah has become a namethat always pops up in a conversation. Like most who love to say that time has flown, Poornima quipped, “ 5 years of Pranaah has been very fulfilling.”  She later broke into gratitude saying that her team and God finally illustrated her passion and her brand has become something just beyond making one feel beautiful. The leap into entrepreneurship taught her the balance between difficult and easy, and how to deal with towering standards of expectations.

Understanding her Vision

In the past decade, bespoke boutiques have sporadically mushroomed in Kerala, which paved a new approach to appreciatingfashion as well. Poornima candidly expressed that fashion is not somethingsuperficial. “When you design, we are different souls, and that makes us a kind of beauty. What you wear is an extended communication of your soul. So when I design I make sure I never go in the opposite direction. “Famously known for her audacious color pairings and creative cuts, such her capes paired with saris, she says the concept of her identity is recurring but what’s limitless is her passion. Something that helps her drives through the flurry of criticisms and obstacles.

While she has clear sight of what she wants, Poornima still admits she’s on the quest of being a true artist.There are questions about why she hasn’t opened a new branch; she simply explained her focus towards the store is solely for the best. Whether it’s practicing dance or designing a beautiful jacket, she says designing with a purpose of an essence is only her motto. “In the end my clothes of have to speak for themselves.”



The Learning Curve

For many, a brand is a creative exercise of executing what’s what learnt. Unflinching in nature, Poornima said that she’s never been worried by the fact that she did not specialize in degrees that fostered her passion. While she was talking about how much she loved evaluating historical references and studying the roots of inspiration for fashion, one could sense how much of ravenous researcher and a resilient learner she is. “I love the challenges and skills that I have mastered. Even if Iam in a comfort zone, I want to glide out of it. “

When asked what were her turning points with Pranaah, she remarked, “ 5 years of education, exploration, surprises, and I got to discover myself. “ One of her recent projects of pride was her tryst with handlooms. She was first worried that she did not have any formal training but when she delved into it, it was another ball game. Although handlooms were firstlimited the seasonal Onam collection, she decided to look beyond that. She wanted to change perception of it being an ageist material or something so restricted to traditional occasions. In time, her fashionable influence lead to more customers experimenting. “ Since the handloom collection is doing well, there’another handloom unit opened and I feel like I am giving back to the society. She also wants to encourage the youth to interpret handlooms creatively. But her prime concern is also looking into promoting responsible fashion, “Pranaah will have 100% sustainable rack which would look into showcasing the artisans.”

The Value of Ones Being

The more one converses with Poornima, it becomes easier to discern she’s not the person who loves to preach. Very firm on executing things, she shunned the whole hype of having it all. Being a full time mother of two daughters and juggling the many roles, she always says her projects are pivotal but enjoying life is important as well. “I am myself and I know what I can do. I know how to maintain a balance between what I can and can’t do.One should know at what cost they have to do something and also what they want to achieve, and this interpretation will always be subjective.”

The one thing that clears her mind is travelling. She makes it a point to travel with family, friends and even a yearly solo trip. It’s the one thing that sheds light on how to approach issues, the true art of being grateful and a great reminder for what her priorities are.“ The one thing above all that is important is to have and be respected.”And when the interview came to an end Poornima was ready to take on the next round of work falling in, and as usual she concluded with a smile and aptly said, “Be fearless.”

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