Drishyam was the first Malayalam film to cross the fifty crore box office collection. The sequel of the film is said to be produced by Perumbavoor and the rest of the cast is said to be announced soon. Shooting is to start on September 14th. In an earlier interview, the director had said that the film will not require much crowd and most of it will be shot indoors.
The movie will see Actor Mohanlal reunite with director Jeetu Joseph who is directing the actors upcoming thriller movie Ram. The movie also has Trisha playing the lead role. In a recent interaction with the media, Jeetu Joseph had revealed that he’s going to put the film Ram on hold to work on another project. According to reports it seems that the director will be working on Drishyam 2 during the interim. It is still unclear if the sequel will be made in Tamil just like Drishyam was remade with the title Papanasam which saw Kamal Haasan in the lead.
The director also added that the main cast will remain same and Meena will be seen as the leading lady. Owing to the current scenario the entire cast and crew including Mohanlal and Meena will go into quarantine two weeks before the shooting starts. It was revealed by the makers that the shooting will start on September 14.
Drishyam 1 was a thriller family drama that revolved around the disappearance of a policewoman’s son threatens to ruin Vijay’s family. The hero does all that he can and devices twisted lies inspired from movies to save and shield his family.
On a proffesional front Mohanlal was last seen in the film big brother and played a pivotal role in the film lucifer that grossed over 200 crores worldwide. Lucifer is said to have a sequel and is set to be remade in Telugu with actor Chiranjeevi.