Yesterday, there was a tweet from the Russo Brothers’ official twitter page saying that their shooting is wrapped up. Following this, speculations are that Dhanush will return to Chennai. In a recent Twitter Spaces interaction it was revealed that Dhanush had only 20 days of shooting in the movie but had a month of training beforehand. Due to the current pandemic situation, the star actor had to stay in the U.S for four months.
Last day of shooting #TheGrayMan in the States. We out…
Did we add our own sound effects? Yes.
— Russo Brothers (@Russo_Brothers) June 7, 2021
In December last year Dhanush tweeted that he was onboard The Gray Man team and that he is looking forward to working with them. He wrote in one of his tweets, “Elated to announce that I will be joining the team of Netflix’s “The Grey Man” starring Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans, directed by The Russo Brothers (Avengers, Captain America: Winter Soldier).”
@netflix @netflixindia @russo_brothers @ryangosling @chrisevans @preena621
— Dhanush (@dhanushkraja) December 18, 2020
The Gray Man also stars top Hollywood stars, Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans. It is an action-thriller based on a debut novel written by Mark Greaney. Meanwhile, Dhanush’s Jagame Thandhiram directed by Karthik Subbaraj is all set to release on Netflix on June 16th. Dhanush is also signed up for an untitled Karthick Naren project.