Rajinikanth is currently finishing his next movie Annathe directed by Siruthai Siva, produced by Sun Pictures with Nayanthara, Keerthy Suresh playing major roles as well. The movie is expected to be released this Diwali. He’s also in talks with Karthik Subbaraj and Desingh Periyasamy for his next Thalaivar 169.
Dhanush on the other hand after his OTT release Jagame Thandhiram is now lined up with a huge pipeline of movies which will surely be a visual treat for his fans. To mention a few of his upcoming films, Atrangi Re – a Bollywood film alongside Akshay Kumar and Sara Ali Khan; The Gray Man – a Hollywood Netflix movie alongside Chris Evans, Ryan Gosling, and many others, D43 directed by Karthick Naren, Aayirathil Oruvan 2 directed by his brother director Selvaraghavan.
The coming years look promising and entertaining for all Rajinikanth and Dhanush’s fans!