The actor celebrated his 37th birthday recently, and many Actors from different film industries wished him and a first track of the actor’s next titled Jagame Thandhiram also released. The film is being directed by Karthik Subbaraj. Apart from that Mari Selvaraj’s Karnan is yet to release. Dhanush is also a part of Akshay Kumar’s next also starring Sara Ali Khan directed by Anand L Rai.
Petta girl Malavika Mohanan also took to social media and tweeted a wish to Dhanush. “Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and an amazing year ahead @dhanushkraja sir! Super excited to work with you!(hopefully someone will cast us together in a film soon”. she tweeted. The tweet started trending as many fans retweeted wondering if it was a hint that the actress will be featured with the Asuran actor soon. Replying to her wish, Dhanush wrote, “Thank you, looking forward”. This has left fans speculating that Malavika will be seen playing the leading lady in D43.
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and an amazing year ahead @dhanushkraja sir! 🥳 Super excited to work with you!(hopefully someone will cast us together in a film soon😋)
— malavika mohanan (@MalavikaM_) July 28, 2020
Malavika Mohanan will be seen next in Vijay and Vijay Sethupathi starring Master. With the corona virus pandemic is seeing no end and the theaters continue to stay close there were rumours going about the movie opting for a direct OTT release. However the producer of the film Xavier britto has now clarified regarding this in an interview. Britto has said that Master is a big movie that deserves a theatrical release and hence it won’t have a direct OTT release. He further added that Master will release in theaters either on Diwali 2020 or Pongal 2021.
Master will star Vijay as a college professor along with Vijay Sethupathi, Malavika Mohan and Andrea Jeremiah. Music is by Anirudh.