However, in 2019 reports said that the film was dropped. Fans have been awaiting an update on Dhanush’s second movie ever since. However, in a recent interaction at a Twitter Spaces, Dhanush has revealed that he doesn’t see himself directing anytime soon because of all of his acting commitments. The actor has been in the Us for the past 4 months shooting for the Hollywood film The Gray Man directed by the Russo Brothers.
In the interaction, Dhanush said, “Actually, I am also highly interested in directing a film. I have an exciting script that is so close to my heart and I want to do it soon. But, it is all about the right time. By God’s grace, I have been continuously getting opportunities to work with exciting talents. As an actor, I am able to work with directors like Mari Selvaraj, Karthik Subbaraj, Ram, and I recently met a couple of other young and talented filmmakers. The announcements regarding those projects will be made when the time is right. Fortunately, I have been getting nice opportunities as an actor and I want to capitalize on that. I don’t see myself directing any film for the next three years.”
On the work front, as the shooting for The Gray Man has been wrapped up, Dhanush is expected to fly back to Chennai with his family soon. He has completed filming for Atrangi Re, a Hindi film and Jagame Thandhiram by Karthik Subbaraj which is to release on Netflix in a week’s time. His next project is an untitled ‘D43’ directed by Karthick Naren.