The movie is directed by R.S. Durai Senthilkumar, who previously collaborated with Dhanush for Kodi, and will see him share the stage with Sneha, coming back after a two-year hiatus from Tamil cinema, and Mehreen Pirzada, whose last Tamil movie was Vijay Deverkonda’s 2018 hit NOTA.
Stills from @dhanushkraja ‘s #Pattas !
Listen to #Pattas ‘s third Single track #JigidiKillaadi @iamviveksiva @MervinJSolomon @Mehreenpirzada
— SS Music (@SSMusicTweet) December 26, 2019
Dhanush will be seen performing in double roles in Pattas, marking the second time in two movies directed by Senthilkumar where he has done this. One role will see him as a martial arts expert, and the other will see him as a happy-go-lucky youngster. Reincarnation is rumoured to be a key part of the movie’s plot. For this film, Dhanush has undergone extensive martial arts training, which fans can get a sneak peek of in the trailer that shall be released soon.
After Pattas, Dhanush has another two projects in his kitty for 2020, with the eagerly awaited Karthik Subbaraj film Suruli, and an untitled movie which will also be Dhanush’s 40th directed Mari Selvaraj of Pariyerum Perumal fame. While rumours are rife that the actor might also do a film with director Mithran Jawahar of Yaaradi Nee Mohini fame.
On the other hand, actress Sneha is busy in her personal life as she is expecting her second child shortly.