The actor later posted a picture of him married with a message on social media. He wrote, “I am extremely happy to announce that I tied the knot with Manju Bhargavi in my family temple. A grand reception in Chennai is soon to follow.”
Yet again on social media, the actor shared with his fans the happy personal news of him becoming a father. He has in fact, been blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby boy.
On the professional front, Yogi Babu is very much a part of Dhanush’s next Karnan with Mari Selvaraj. Meanwhile, the actor was caught up in a controversy recently after the Hindu Makkal Katchi filed a complaint against Yogi Babu for the poster of his upcoming film titled Cocktail. In the poster, the actor can be seen dressed like Lord Murugan. Instead of the peacock that’s usually seen behind the god, what we see behind Yogi Babu is an unusually large-sized cockatoo.