Rubbishing all the rumours, the Thalaivaa director earlier confirmed that he is all set to tie the knot with one Dr. R. Aishwarya. In a press statement, Vijay confirmed that it is an arranged wedding. He further added that it would be a private ceremony and that the wedding is touted to happen in July 2019.
The ceremony took place on July 11th and it was indeed a private affair. However, a picture leaked and is going viral. The bride and the groom looked adorable together.
Adding to this, director AL Vijay and Aishwarya have now welcomed a baby boy. The director’s brother and actor Udhaya confirmed the news on Twitter. “Yes..IAM A PERIYAPPA now..Brother Director VIJAY And AISHWARYA VIJAY blessed with baby boy at 11.25 am..Happppyyyyyyyy…Soooo happpy..,” wrote Udhaya.
It is reported that both the mother and the baby are fine and in good health. They welcomed their bundle of joy on Saturday morning at around 11:25 at a Chennai based private hospital.
A few days before the wedding, the director announced his relationship with Aishwarya. He was quoted as saying by India Today, “I am happy to announce my marriage with Dr. R Aishwarya and it is going to be a private ceremony which will be held in July 2019. With all your love and blessings, I am embarking on a new chapter in my life!”
On the professional front, AL Vijay is busy shooting his next magnum opus Thalaivi starring Kangana Ranaut and Arvind Swami in the lead. While Aishwarya is a doctor by profession.