The actress had earlier confirmed that she has been engaged to her long time family friend and businessman Ashwin Philip who also resides in Kerala. The couple wanted to throw a grand engagement party in Ashwin’s native Kottayam. However, due to the lockdown, the couple had a rather private and secretive ceremony.
The couple has now tied the knot at a church and here is a glimpse from their hush-hush wedding:
Congratulations to the lovely couple!
Miya will be seen next Vikram’s upcoming Tamil film, Cobra. The film is directed by Ajay Gnanamuthu and it is one of the much-awaited films of the year. The actress is also looking forward to the release of her Malayalam film Kanmanilla. Her role as an investigative journalist in Jeethu Joseph’s Memories turned out to be a major hit of the year 2013.