The actor took to Instagram to express his happiness. “And just like that , our lives became a lil more magical ! Baby Khulbee – Daddy’s Girl and Mommy’s World @sanctumbirthcenter Vijaya ma’am , we owe it all to you ! @actornakkhul , our lil one and I love you so so much,” he wrote on his Instagram.
His wife Sruti also shared the same image on Instagram:
Earlier this year the couple conducted a low-key baby shower. “My parents did a small valagapu at home last week with just us and the puppies / kittens! Oola was as usual not too shy to pose and Bubbles, we tried our best to have her in frame but she only photobombed us,” wrote Sruti on Instagram.
On the professional front, Nakkhul has Eriyum Kannadi which he will resume shooting for after the lockdown.