Jyothika surprised her fans this morning when her brother-in-law Karthi launched the first look of her next film ‘Raatchasi’ on social media. The first look shows Jyothika as a teacher and we are guessing that the foundation of the actress’ character would be a teacher. The trailer is touted to be launched at 4 PM today. Along with the post, Karthi stated, “Being a teacher is one of the most noble professions. #Raatchasi #ராட்சசி Heard very promising things about this film. Good luck team! Here is the first look and trailer coming by 4pm.”
Being a teacher is one of the most noble professions. #Raatchasi #ராட்சசி
Heard very promising things about this film. Good luck team! Here is the first look and trailer coming by 4pm. #RaatchasiTrailer pic.twitter.com/BPbrsvwjln— Actor Karthi (@Karthi_Offl) May 31, 2019
‘Raatchasi’ is directed by debutante S Raj. Her character would reportedly play the role of a government teacher who thrives to make the school and the students better. The film also has Poornima Baghyaraj, Sathyan and Hareesh Paredi in important roles. Produced by SR Prabhu’s Dream Warrior Pictures, the film is touted to release later this year.
She also debuted as one of the leading ladies in Mani Ratnam’s ‘Chekka Chivandha Vaanam’. Jyothika has a multiple films in her kitty. An untitled film with Karthi directed by ‘Papanasam’ fame Jeethu Joseph and ‘Jackpot’ alongside Revathy which is produced by her husband Suriya and directed by Kalyan.
Karthi’s last being ‘Dev’ might not have been a commercial success but he sure has a gorgeous charm and charisma onscreen. He has a multiple number of movies in his kitty now. But now looks like it that Karthi is sorted with his third movie. It has been reported that Jyothika will be seen playing his sister in the film. The movie would be directed by the ‘Dhrishyam’ fame director Jeethu Joseph.
The latest cast to join this star-studded clan is none other than the most amazing and everybody’s favourite Raasukutty from ‘Super Deluxe’. Little Ashwanth Ashok Kumar is all set to for his next film with stars Jyothika, Karthi and Sathyaraj.