Mugen has stated during many interviews that his father had always been a major pillar of support during his career graph. His Bigg Boss contestants also took it to social media to express their grief and condolences. Vanitha Vijayakumar has condoled her ex-housemate “RIP… condolences to your family..very sorry to hear your loss …death in the family changes your entire strong”. Abhirami Venkatachalam has written “Rip Prakash Rao… Stay Strong Baby MugenRao”.
Rip Prakash Rao😭😭
Stay Strong Baby😭😭 @themugenrao #Mugen
— Abhirami Venkatachalam (@AbhiramiVenkat_) January 27, 2020
RIP…@themugenrao condolences to your family..very sorry to hear your loss …death in the family changes your entire strong
— Vanitha Vijaykumar (@vanithavijayku1) January 27, 2020