Dr. Sethuraman, fondly known as Sethu by his dear friend Santhanam entered into the film industry with the famous film Kanna Laddoo Thinna Aasaya. Apart from being an aspiring actor and having big dreams for his acting career, he is also a famous cosmetologist, a favourite of many celebrities.In a shocking turn of events, doctor Sethuraman passed away as a result of a massive cardiac arrest. This shock had left many near and dear friends of his from the film industry shaken. From actor Satish to Dhananjayan, many posted condolence messages on social media. The actor’s close friend and a devastated actor Santhanam attended the last rites too.
In fact, Santhanam has been in constant touch with his family ever since. Sethu’s wife Uma Sethuraman revealed that the doctor’s new branch of Zi Clinic has been unveiled in ECR. Actor Santhanam was quick to agree to come and unveil the clinic and has even taken to social media to express his happiness. “Very happy to launch my Dearest Friend Dr.Sethuraman s ZI CLINIC in ECR on his birth anniversary,” wrote the Dhilluku Dhuddu actor on social media.
Very happy to launch my Dearest Friend Dr.Sethuraman s ZI CLINIC in ECR on his birth anniversary 😊🙏🏻 @ZI_Clinic #ECRZIClinic pic.twitter.com/OSG0qbKdhI
— Santhanam (@iamsanthanam) October 29, 2020
Dr. Sethuraman’s wife Uma has given birth to a baby boy. The young wife was pregnant during the unfortunate death of the actor. A doctor had even shared the happy news on social media saying, “He is back. You just changed your age. Will call you Kutti Sethu.”
As the mother and son return home, Uma shared a beautiful welcome back video and announced the name of the baby boy. “Dr.V.Sethuraman
is now Vedanth Sethuraman,” she wrote on her social media.
The young actor tied the knot with Uma on February 12, 2016 and has a child. Sethuraman had suffered a critical spine injury and underwent a surgery in 2017. While the whole nation was under lockdown for 21 days due to the coronavirus, in a shocking turn of events, the actor suffered a cardiac arrest at around 8.45 PM on March 26 at his home and was declared dead.