The stars are revealed as Megha Akash, Malayalam actor Karthika Muralidharan and Tollywood actor Chandini Chowdhary who will all be playing the female leads. This film marks the directorial debut of CS Karthikeyan who has assisted Kamal Haasan in Vishwaroopam and Vishwaroopam 2.
Talking about the role to a news site, the director said, “I wanted an actor who is liked by everyone and who could pull off all the stages of the protagonist — school boy, college-goer and an out-of-college young man. And Ashok Selvan fit the bill. The role needed an actor who had a sense of humour, and Ashok has it in spades.”
Megha Akash is currently awaiting the release of a number of films, including Manu Charitra, Yaadhum Oore Yaavarum Kelir , 31 October Ladies Night, Mazhai Pidikatha Manithan, Prema Desam, and Single Shankarum Smartphone Simranum. She is filming for Ravanasura and Production No. 1. Karthika Muralidharan whodebuted with Comrade in America, has also acted in Uncle. Meanwhile, Chandini Chowdary is awaiting the release of a film called Gaami.