Sayyeshaa and Arya recently wrapped up the final schedule of Teddy directed by Shakthi Soundar Rajan. The film is touted to be a children’s film and has Arya and Sayyeshaa in lead roles. The couple is romancing each onscreen for the first time after their wedding too. This being a special movie, Sayyeshaa took it to social media to express her excitement and gratitude. She wrote, “Height doesn’t make a man tall…his actions do! He’s my strength @arya_offl Shooting the last schedule of #Teddy with an amazing human being and a fabulous director @ShaktiRajan can’t wait for you all to see our film on-screen!”
Height doesn’t make a man tall…his actions do! He’s my strength @arya_offl 😘😘😘
Shooting the last schedule of #Teddy with an amazing human being and a fabulous director @ShaktiRajan can’t wait for you all to see our film on screen! @actorsathish @immancomposer @StudioGreen2— Sayyeshaa (@sayyeshaa) October 12, 2019
While Arya wrote, “Wifey on the set. The final schedule of #Teddy in Chennai with the Magician @ShaktiRajan Really really excited for this one @actorsathish. @sayyeshaa #Teddy and me shooting for the lovely song composed by @immancomposer.”
Wifey on the set 😍😍😍 Final schedule of #Teddy in Chennai with the Magician @ShaktiRajan 🤗🤗👍👍👍 Really really excited for this one 💪💪👍 @actorsathish @sayyeshaa #Teddy and me shooting for the lovely song composed by @immancomposer 😍😍😍 @StudioGreen2
— Arya (@arya_offl) October 12, 2019
The film Teddy is produced by Studio Green while the music is being composed by Imman.