However, Pranushka fans had their hearts broken when Prabhas’ uncle Krishnam Raju confirmed that the actor is all set to tie the knot post the release of Saaho. Earlier this month, his sister also indirectly confirmed the same. “He is very close to us and is completely down to earth. We spend a lot of time together when is not shooting for films. We respect him a lot and he loves us so much. He surprises us with many gifts as per our interests. We are eagerly waiting like everyone for his marriage. As he is busy with films, we are not sure about the wedding date but our family is quite excited and we sisters are sure going to make so much noise throughout his wedding, she stated.
However, in a recent report by Filmfare the couple is planning to take their next step together. The duo is apparently looking at buying a house together in Los Angeles. Before the release of SAAHO, Prabhas along with his team arranged a special screening for his rumoured lady love last week.
But, till date they only admit to being great friends and nothing more.
It was earlier mentioned that Prabhas is all set to tie the knot to a USA – based businessman’s daughter. An official confirmation is soon awaited.