Sameera Reddy made her debut in the film industry with the Hindi film ‘Maine Dil Tujko Diya’ alongside Sohail Khan. After which she made her Telugu debut with the film ‘Narasimhudu’ alongside Jnr NTR. After debuting in Bengali, the actress finally made her Tamil debut with the film ‘Vaaranam Aayiram’ alongside Suriya Sivakumar.The unstoppable actress gave a number of hits until 2013 after which she married Akshai Varde, an entrepreneur in the year 2014. Ever since Sameera was never seen in front of the camera. The actress has two kids Hans and Naira.
Her Tamil debut was a huge hit and paved way for more roles in the Tamil film industry. Remembering her role as Meghna, Sameera posted an emotional note on social media. “🌻my MIL asked me why ppl refer to me as ‘Meghna’ & I told her it’s because she is the most magical part of my career and she will forever be a part of me ❤️🙏🏼😍 #vaaranamayiram #gratitude#flashback #career #blessed #thankyou 🌻,” wrote the actress on her Instagram post. Check out this beautiful video she posted.
Sameera Reddy is an active mom blogger today.