‘Indian’, which had music by A.R Rahman, was released in Telugu as Bharatheeyudu and in Hindi as Hindustani. The film also starred Manisha Koirala and Urmila Matondkar and had won three National awards including the best actor honour for Haasan. Now, Kamal is all set to shoot its sequel with the first schedule beginning from August. Kajal Aggarwal is confirmed to be the female lead of the film while the latest reports stated that actresses Priya Bhavani Shankar and Aushwarya Rajesh have also been roped in for pivotal roles.
The latest reports suggest that Rakul Preet Singh will be cast opposite actor Siddharth and apparently the Manmadhudu actress has liked the st0ry and agreed to be a part of the film.
According to in.com, sources reveal, “The makers were keen to cast Rakul in an important role and hence approached the actress in Mumbai. She also heard the script and has agreed in principle. She would be signing on the dotted line soon. It is indeed Rakul’s luck that she is cast in director Shankar’s film early in her career. She would be playing the love interest of Siddharth who is the grandson of the vigilante Senapathi and son of Chandru, both characters played by Kamal in the original version.”
An official confirmation is yet to be made on the rest of the cast!