The actress who is basking on the success of VTK also revealed that she would do even a small role if she gets to act with Superstar Rajinikanth. On the work front, Siddhi will next be seen in the movie Nooru Kodi Vaanavil. The actress debuted first in a Gujarati film titled Grand Hali. In Jamba Lakidi Pamba, she acted alongside Srinivasa Reddy as the lead. Next, she did Prema Katha Chitra 2 along with Sumanth Ashwin and Nandita Shwetha. Even before filming for Vendhu Thanindhathu Kaadu, she filmed Noor Kodi Vaanavil and is therefore quite fluent in Tamil. She has dubbed her own voice for her performance as Paavai in this film.
Vendhu Thanindhathu Kaadu revolves around the life of Muthu (Simbu) who is forced to move from Nellai to Mumbai because of his financial circumstances. There he works as a cook in a Parotta hotel. How his life changes from an ordinary man to a gangster forms the rest of the story. The movie has shades of Nayakan, Thalapathy, Pudhupettai and many more gangster-based films.