A case was registered against Jyothika and Bala in Mettupalayam for using expletive words in the movie. The third film after her wedding, Naachiyaar saw a different side of Jyothika. It was an unusual role by Jyothika. Hitherto she was seen as an adorable lover girl or a caring mom. Her fearless act in the movie won her applause. Being a Bala film, there was a different Jyothika to be seen in it. She played ACP Naachiyaar, a woman police officer known for her violent interrogations enquire about the rape of a minor girl. Her body language and dialogue delivery belonged to a different league. The ferocious act of the actress won her name and fame. Though Naachiyaar did manage an average run, it was Jyothika who was the scene-stealer. Her transformation on screen was fantastic. She indeed set the ball rolling for writers coming up with action stories for heroines with a jaw-dropping show in Naachiyaar.
Chekka Chivantha Vaanam
After the fearsome role in Naachiyaar, came Mani Ratnam’s Chekka Chivantha Vaanam a couple of months later. A multi-starrer, it helped Jyothika realized her long-cherished dream – to be part of a Mani Ratnam film. And she played a typical housewife who cares for her family, husband and children. She is so forgiving that after she finds out illegal affair of her husband, she pleads with him to leave it. Her role as Chitra, a daughter-in-law in a big family and married to the elder son provided plenty to offer on plate emotionally. Known for expressing herself too much on screen, Chekka Chivantha Vaanam saw her give a measured performance. She was there playing the character in a subtle manner. Though a multi-starer, still Jyothika left a mark for herself amidst big names on screen in CCV.
Kaatrin Mozhi
The jewel in her crown this year was Kaatrin Mozhi, a remake of Hindi hit Tumhari Sulu. Though there were comparisons to her and Vidya Balan when the trailer got released, Jyothika pulled it off in style delivering a performance that was certainly unique to her. Her character carried the aspirations of thousands of middle-class woman, their hopes and despair. Jyothika delivered it close to reality. And Radha Mohan, the director who made Mozhi with her that belonged to a different league, Kaatrin Mozhi was a movie that ended up as one of the best in her career. She no doubt gave her best as girl-next-door Viji in the film. Vijayalakshmi Balakrishnan, a homemaker she has lots of dreams and it changes every day as is the norm for everyone. And when she decides to become a Radio Jockey comes a lot of troubles. Her natural and spontaneous performance was the hallmark of the movie.