A fan of the actor’s shared a picture of a 29-year-old Madhavan attending as a guest in their school in Jamshedpur and we simply cannot stop crushing over this picture. The fan tweeted, “The day when the iconic star @ActorMadhavan visited our School, Sacred Heart Convent,in our lovable city, Jamshedpur, in 1999! 21 years on, and his charm refuses to fade away! Just good looks, good looks & good looks! Love you Maddy, will always do!”
The day when the iconic star @ActorMadhavan visited our School, Sacred Heart Convent,in our lovable city, Jamshedpur, in 1999 ❤️! 21 years on, and his charm refuses to fade away! Just good looks, good looks & good looks! 😇Love you Maddy, will always do! ❤️🌹🥀 pic.twitter.com/nCppw3T37e— Wafa Singh (@Wafasingh) July 30, 2020
Madhavan has always been very responsive to his fans and all the love they shower upon him. To this, he replied, “Heyy thankssss soo much.”
Heyy thankssss soo much https://t.co/cOv1XZTAnC
— Ranganathan Madhavan (@ActorMadhavan) July 30, 2020
We are positive that this has taken our chocolate boy down the memory lane.
On the professional front, the actor has Rocketry by Nambi Narayanan awaiting a release date. The film will not only narrate the tale of an amazing scientist but will also see the actor pair up with evergreen favourite Simran after almost 15 years.