With his brilliant character performances in Mani Ratnam’s Nayagan and Shankar’s Indian the Ulaganayagan won two more National Awards. In the year, 1990 Dr. Haasan won the Padma Shru Awards and in 2014, the Padma Bhushan award for his contribution towards Indian Cinema. The talent he possesses is invincible and the actor has done around 220 films in multiple languages. Kamal is the only Indian actor to have completed 61 years in the film industry and while his performance has been par excellence in all his films, here are our favourite picks:
1. Moondram Pirai:
Kamal Haasan dons the role of a teacher named Cheenu who figures out that Bhagyalakshmi (Sridevi) has retrogare amnesia and has a child’s personality. This was Kamal’s first National Award his performance is simply mindblowing.
2. Aboorva Sagodharargal
Sporting a double-role, a man with dwarfism and his brother. The film would have been an emotionally challenging experiment for any actor but for Kamal, he simply nailed the role. The emotional rollercoaster the actor puts his audience through is amazing. The film received several accolades.
3. Nayagan:
This gangster movie directed by Mani Ratnam is everyone’s favorite. The movie is listed in world’s 100 movies you should watch before you die. The film was inspired from the famous movie Godfather and was loosely based on the life of Varadharajan Mudhaliar who was a don in Mumbai. Illayaraja’s music just makes this movie one of Kamal’s best!
4. Michael Madhana Kama Rajan
This absolute laugh riot is one of the movies you can watch over and over, but will still crack you up. This situation comedy involves 4 brothers who grew apart as kids and finally meet at one epic scene in the climax! All four tracks are so hilarious with each of them from different walks of life.