Health & Wellness

Trying To Lose Weight? These Are The 5 Foods You Should Never Eat!

Or drink!!

Weight is getting trickier by the day with so many articles and suggestions on what works and what doesn’t. It’s pretty simple, burn more consume less. Going on various fad or crash diets will only reduce your weight temporarily and it’s harmful for your body.

For a long-term weight loss, understand that healthy diet and exercise are not a thing of a week or two! You need to make it your lifestyle. Losing weight should be for long-term and you must adapt to a healthier lifestyle. Have you heard experts say, it’ 80% diet and 20% exercise? A lot depends on what you eat! If you’re trying to lose weight here are 5 foods you should refrain from eating.


Packaged Juices




Those yummy juices packed and stacked up in your refrigerator will only do more harm than good. These drinks have loads od sugar content and artificial preservatives. These juices will disrupt you sugar and insulin levels. Stay away from them!


Products with Soy



According to nutritionists and many reports conducted by Medicine Net, Soy products have long lasting effects on your thyroid. High amounts of soy protein can result in fatigue, diminishing sex drive, hair loss, weight gain and depression. Stay away from it!


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