In the video circulating on social media, a male student can be seen coming to the stage to welcome the actress, shaking her hand, and while she was seated he made her stand and forcefully tried to put his arm around her. The actress quickly tried to move away, looking very unhappy with the student’s behaviour. Reports state that the student later apologized and explained why he did what he did, but the college authorities didn’t condemn his behaviour on the stage. Here’s the video
A college student misbehaved with actress Aparna Balamurali during the promotion function of Thangam movie. @Vineeth_Sree I’m surprised about your silence 🙏 What the hell #Thankam film crew doing there.
@Aparnabala2 #AparnaBalamurali— Mollywood Exclusive (@Mollywoodfilms) January 18, 2023
The video has gone viral on social media with fans supporting the actress and calling out the college. Netizens condemned the act of the student and stated that the college should not encourage this kind of behaviour.
Meanwhile, Thankam is an upcoming film directed by Saheed Arafath and scripted by Syam Pushkaran. The film has actors Biju Menon, Vineeth Sreenivasan, Aparna Balamurali, Girish Kulkarni, and Vineeth Thattil in lead roles. Tankam is set to hit the big screens on January 26, 2023.
Also read: “Suriya Is One In A Million!” : Exclusive Interview with Aparna Balamurali