Dhiraj Kumar, the author of Sridevi’s biography, stated that he is delighted to publish his debut book on the legendary actor, and thanked her husband Boney Kapoor, daughters Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor, and family members including Latha and Sanjay Ramaswamy, Suryakala, Maheshwari and Karthik, Reena and Sandeep Marwah for the opportunity.
Spelling out the career, life and personality of the late veteran actor Sridevi, Dhiraj has penned a biography titled, Sridevi: The Life of a Legend. Opening up about the book, the author says, “The inspiration behind writing the book was Sridevi ma’am’s life, which was so expansive. It goes back 50 years, up to 300 films across 5 languages. It is unprecedented and unparalleled in Indian cinema. Anyone who has had that kind of trajectory has not transcended across these many languages.”
Information about Sridevi’s life and career is predominantly out in the open. Speaking about what’s different in his biography of the veteran actor, Dhiraj says, “What is already out in the public about Sridevi’s life is only 10%. This biography will give readers a peek into her early days as a child artist. It will have anecdotes about her school life in Chennai, her first Tamil movie, details about her ancestry, and much more will be revealed in my book.” Dhiraj added that it took him five years to complete the book which he started writing after the actor’s unfortunate demise. The book is yet to be published as Dhiraj will be working on it for final touches in the following month.