Filmmaker Pa Ranjith took to social media on Monday, November 22, to unveil a new music video titled Magizhini, which depicts the love story of a lesbian couple. The song features actors Gouri Kishan and Anagha as Bharathanatyam dancers. Sharing the video song, Ranjith wrote: “Art of LOVE Presenting the music video of #Magizhini, a unique Saregama Tamil Original song ft. @Gourayy& @AnaghaOfficial.”
Art of LOVE 💞
Presenting the music video of #Magizhini,a unique Saregama Tamil Original song ft. @Gourayy & @AnaghaOfficial
🎥 @madhankarky @VGBALA21 @Arunkrishna_21 @saregamasouth @TrendingEntmt @keerthanavnath @kaustubha_media #LGBTQ
— pa.ranjith (@beemji) November 22, 2021
Written and directed by VG Balasubramanian, the song was released by Saregama Originals and has lyrics by Madhan Karky.
The storyline follows Anagha, a student who recently shifted to Chennai. Gouri and her parents are in the midst of a tussle after her father finds out that she is a lesbian. Both of them are distressed about their personal lives and as fate would have it, are paired with each other during a Bharatanatyam practice session. This sparks the beginning of a delicate romantic story. Once they start dating and Gouri spends the night at Anagha’s, her father sends her away from their home, while Anagha on the other hand, decides to come out of the closet and tells her mother that she is in love with a girl.
The 6-minute video opens with a Behind-the-Scene (BTS) shot of Anagha consoling Gouri. The song video closes with a dance performance of the duo. The entire video is shot in pleasant locations including a beach, a garden side practice area, and their homes. The makers have revealed the heartwarming purpose of such a video was to create more awareness about the struggles of lesbian couples and initiate discussions about the LGBTQIA+ community.
The two lead actors have their share of fame and screen presence that we may know of. Gouri Kishan rose to fame with her performance in the Tamil romantic movie 96, which starred Vijay Sethupathi and Trisha in the lead. Gouri was also recently seen in Mari Selvaraj’s directorial Karnan. Anagha became popular through her performance in Natpe Thunai, starring Hip-hop Tamizha’s Aadhi. She was recently seen in the 2021 Tamil movie Dikkiloona, co-starring Santhanam and Shirin Kanchwala in the lead roles.