The couple had a grand and memorable wedding attended by near and dear ones. The wedding took place at Mundota Fort in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Now, fans are set to get a closer look at the festivities. Hansika’s wedding video will be exclusively streamed on OTT platform Disney+ Hotstar. The special show has been titled Love Shaadi Drama. She posted a small video to announce the show.
In the video, Hansika says, “Hi, this is Hansika Motwani and something special happened in my life. I got married. You can see the wedding glow. The show’s name is Love, Shaadi….” And a voice behind the camera cuts in, ‘Drama’. The actor seems confused at the show’s title and says that she needs to speak to the editors. Hansika captioned the teaser, “What is a shaadi without a little drama?”
What is a shaadi without a little drama? #HotstarSpecials #HansikasLoveShaadiDrama coming soon!
#Uttam_Domale @nowme_datta @sajeed_a @Avinaash_Offi @ajaym7@DisneyPlusHS
— Hansika (@ihansika) January 18, 2023
The show is expected to showcase all the special moments and drama from Hansika’s marriage to Sohael Kathuriya. The release date of this exclusive video, which is part of Hotstar Specials, is yet to be announced.
On the work front, Hansika is awaiting the release of the web series MY3, which features her in the role of a robot. The show is directed by M Rajesh and features Mugen Rao, Shanthanu and Ashna Zaveri in key roles. She is also part of Partner and My Name is Shruthi.