Rightfully pointing that out, Malayalam actress and social speaker TK Parvathy during a round table conference along with other huge stars including Vijay Deverakonda slammed the film Arjun Reddy for glorifying a character like that. During the meet with Anupama Chopra, the actress stated, “It is a very fine line reflecting what’s there in the society, showing what misogyny is, and glorifying it. It’s entirely up to the writer and director how they glorify it. When a man is being misogynistic and is being…you know…abusive, and you show that in a way that incites applause in the audience, then that’s glorification. And at the same time, you make the audience think whether he’s done the right thing or not, then there you are collaborating with the audience. There, there is a cinema, it’s a dialogue.”
In this week’s #MovieDiary, @anupamachopra looks back at #FilmCompanion’s largest adda yet – with actors @RanveerOfficial, @deepikapadukone, @aliaa08, @ayushmannk, @BajpayeeManoj, @parvatweets, @TheDeverakonda, and @VijaySethuOffl
https://t.co/co179V6FKi pic.twitter.com/dei4i6Iy4r— Film Companion South (@fcompanionsouth) November 26, 2019
Her statement for speaking her mind has won her the love of Twitter. Many came forward to laud her sensibility. That is when actor Manoj Bajpayee talked about how he would not ponder too much about the characters given to him. While on the other hand, Alia stated that she would love sporting the role of a villain someday knowing the fact that it is only a character that she would be playing and that obviously does not affect her personal life.
Taking these points into consideration, Parvathy cited the example of Arjun Reddy stating how the misogyny and abuse were glorified so much so that the audience were resonating with that. Yes, that right there is the issue. However, Vijay Deverakonda’s incoherent response to Parvathy’s statement had actors Deepika Padukone and Ayushmann Khurana by surprise. The actor stated that the world is messed up that way and everyone’s not perfect. And that, couples always enjoy “little hits as long as they understand their love”(Okay, that’s physical abuse but whatever). Only these couples would understand what Arjun Reddy is, he added. He further added that it’s just a film and the world cannot be changed by a film like Arjun Reddy saying neither can good films make the world a better place he stated saying, “It’s your family, parenting, schooling, it’s multiple things that lead a person to behave in a certain way.”
Honestly, we beg to differ, because, as Parvathy pointed out, people ‘s comments on social media with regards to the film as such is glorifying the protagonist and it is disappointing.
Those who are so taken by Parvathy’s guts of talking about the problems of Arjun Reddy before Vijay, you should know, she said the same about Mammotty’s Malayalam film Kasaba and had his fandom/male egos harassing her beyond limits.
And STILL she does what’s right.
LEGEND. pic.twitter.com/EHJMwPDng2
— Adhiti/ Straight Spine Please! (@AravindAdhiti) November 25, 2019
Watch the #FilmCompanion Actors Adda: @RanveerOfficial, @TheDeverakonda @deepikapadukone, @ayushmannk, @aliaa08, @VijaySethuOffl @parvatweets & @BajpayeeManoj in conversation with @anupamachopra https://t.co/59kFwdG368#BestOfTheDecade
Location Partner: Soho House Mumbai pic.twitter.com/hg5mGemyJJ— Film Companion South (@fcompanionsouth) November 25, 2019