“After that, I also encountered a similar act of misogyny and I reacted to it in shock as you’ve watched in the video,” she wrote further in a long post. Going by the viral photos and videos on Twitter, the promotional event at the mall was extremely jam-packed with hundreds pushing each other to get a glimpse of the actors. The security was struggling to handle the crowd. The actress further shared, “I wish no one has to face this kind of unwanted trauma in their life, for violence against women there will be consequences and actions against these misogynistic individuals.”
Another actress, who encountered a similar situation at the event, also shared a long note in Malayalam. “I wish no one has to face this kind of unwanted trauma in their life,” she said and added that the team will take legal action against the individuals. The Malayalam industry is increasingly being mentioned in the news for harassment and abuse. This includes abuse that happens within the industry along with abuse that happens in public places.