Karthik Subbaraj recently said that 50 percent of the shooting is completed, while the rest will resume after the lockdown is released. The movie also stars Actress Simran, Vani Bhojan and Bobby Simha. The Director also added that the scenes involving Vikram and Vani Bhojan are scheduled to be filmed soon.
The movie is produced by 7 Screen Studio. Initially it had Anirudh Ravichander as the Music Composer. But, latest reports have said that Santosh Narayanan will be composing music for this movie. This movie, being Vikram’s 60th, is most anticipated by fans.
Vikram’s Cobra and Dhruva Natchathiram are all set to release this year. The release of both movies have been delayed due to the lockdown for the Covid-19 pandemic. The directors are trying to get a theatrical release for the same. Vikram is also a part of the ensemble cast of Mani Ratnam’s Ponniyin Selvan.