A source close to the actress has confirmed that in order to make this travel easier Rashmika has purchased a new home in Mumbai. “Rashmika had been doing a lot of back and forth between Mumbai and Hyderabad, to prepare for ‘Mission Majnu’ and other Bollywood projects. Now she has gotten a place of her own in the city so that her movement becomes swift. To give the place a more homely feeling, Rashmika has brought some near and dear things from her Hyderabad home to her new house in Mumbai. She earlier had been staying in hotels, but now with her own house, she feels more attached to the city,” stated the source.
It was only recently when Rashmika purchased a swanky new Range Rover and thanked her fans for showering her with love and being supportive at every step of her career. “Ahhh..I’d mostly/normally keep things to myself.. but this time I wanted to share this with you because you are part of this journey and I want you to know that..Back in the day never would I have thought I’d be capable of doing something like this but today here I am rushing to the airport but finding these 2 mins to just take these pictures so that I could show you where we’ve reached.. Thank you for being a part of this journey and loving me like you do.. and making my hard days worth it.. we’re in this together and that makes me truly happy. I love you. This one’s for you. Truly grateful”, wrote Rashmika on her Instagram alongside a photo with a new car.